Saturday, 17 December 2011

Sun, Sea and Sand!!

I am so super excited for my holiday's this year, I can't even begin to explain. I am going to Cape Town, one of the most beautiful places on earth. I am going to go to the beach, eat fresh sea food and drink wine on the wine route.

One of my favourite things to do is buy a great bikini's...I still haven't, so here is my inspiration for when I do eventually get around to it (has to be this week)!

Also...This year I WILL have beach hair that looks pretty, luckily plaits are in :)


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Doors

At the moment my husband and I are busy looking to make a house a home...buying is stressful. What I have noticed is that South African's are kinda boring when it comes to their front door (no offense anyone). So I have decided I really want a beautiful door, that is warm and inviting. I am loving the dark grey and the blues.


Sunday, 11 December 2011

For the Moms...And Dads

As I have many friends with kids, and 2 lovely nieces, I thought I would do a post on a few things that can keep the kids busy during the holidays, hopefully inspire you to take some great pics with your kids and of course also some really cute kiddy outfits.

To the Moms & Dads: I hope this helps :)

Glow Sticks in bath

When jeans get too short:

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Sequins...We need 'em

Every girl LOVES sequins....and if you dont then you will now! For the festive season here some great ideas on how 'to do' sequins. These would all be great for New Years 2012!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Colour Combo Please

Everyone goes through those painful, pull your hair out, dramatically flop onto the bed and cry out 'I have nothing to wear, why is life so unfair" days! What I have come to realise is that those are the days I am more creative, I wear things I haven't in ages and I put things together that I normally wouldn't. So below I have put together some really nice colour combinations that sometimes we might not have thought of, but have in our cupboards. Like Olive & Cream, Red, White and Tan, Navy Blue, Pink & Baby Blue (lurv this one).

When I saw some of these it inspired me. Sure I might not have had the exact same outfit, but thats what inspiration is about....those aha moments (thanks O) that make you feel slightly sheepish and think "Oh, maybe I do have something to wear".


Friday, 2 December 2011

Prezzie Time...

One of the best things about Christmas is seeing all the gifts under the tree, all looking colourful and pretty. Below are some fantastic gift wrapping ideas, which are all super cute and inexpensive. There is always something special about a wrapped gift which has that extra personal touch! Especially when you the person giving, and you put extra effort into the other awesome people in your life :)